Constituent Relationship Management or CRM for non profits help in storing information of donors and volunteers, gifts and other details of an NGO in spreadsheets, address books, database systems and lists for easy management of the organization. Non profit CRM solution delivers efficient, powerful and time saving tools that manage, store and track all of necessary data of a nonprofit in one place. CRM for non profits helps an organization save valuable time by elevating the tedious task of maintaining lengthy spreadsheets. This enables easy decision making as constituents and activities can be viewed and compared simultaneously. The CRM tool provides one holistic system for data collection and storage, interaction with donors and continuous interaction with volunteers.

Non profit CRM is an easy to use program which can be used from any web device. Accessing this online facility is complete free since there is no need to install or maintain any software to operate nonprofit CRM. It also doesn't require installation of any expensive hardware. There are many packages included in crm for non profits. Some of them are packages which manage the way donors and organizations interact. While some packages help in the marketing campaigns for the NGOs.